Thursday, October 4, 2012

What have we gotten ourselves into?

The first project actually took place prior to us closing on the house. Most people would run at the sight of our basement walls based on the amount of cracks and water penetration, but not us! Being a structural engineer I determined the basement was repairable and the cause for the problem was obvious...poor grading around the house. You see the house had been vacant for 1 1/2 years and therefore much neglect had taken place. The cause for the structural problem was solvable and we proceeded with the repairs thanks to a colleague of mine I do commercial work with.




Some people may say that because of my profession I may have over reinforced the basement walls, but in my opinion if you are going to do something you better do it right the first time.  We had all of the cracks epoxied, the damaged wall reinforced with steel columns and installed a sump pump.



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